What is a ‘host’?
welcomes visiting club members into their homes and provides accommodation and some meals for up to one week
participates in activities that reflect their community life and culture
participates in sightseeing, shopping, visiting local attractions and other group social activities and meals
What is an ‘ambassador’?
a guest in the home of a host sharing everyday life experiences and activities
What is an ‘inbound’ and ‘outbound’ journey?
‘inbound’ journey is when we welcome other Friendship Force members from around the world into our homes and community as our guests
"outbound’ journey is when we travel outside our city or country and are hosted by Friendship Force members in other areas of the world
What is a ‘homestay’?
you are hosted as a guest in the home of another Friendship Force member
you share their life for a week and most likely their friendship for a lifetime
as ‘ambassador’, you offer to take your hosts to a restaurant dinner or alternately, you can cook a Canadian dinner for them
you present them with a small gift, usually something that reflects your city/country
What are the travel costs?
on an outbound journey we pay our own transportation costs to the destination
a journey fee for FFI of $25 for each night with your host club
a fee set by the host club to cover the cost of the program of activities they have put together which includes admissions, some meals, tickets, local transportation, etc.
Not a traveler?
you don’t ever have to travel if you don’t want
you can still participate by hosting guests in your home, day hosting or joining in the planned activities during an Incoming journey
you can join committees to manage the operation of your club including the preparation of a program for an incoming club
you can participate in any activities held outside your work hours
I work all day, how can I participate in an inbound journey?
you could provide accommodation on a ‘bed and breakfast’ basis and let another club member assist you by looking after your guest during the day (‘day hosting’)
you could contribute by being a dinner host one evening inviting a home host and their ambassadors to your home
you could provide some food or assistance for an activity being held outside your work hours
How are journeys organized?
clubs let FFI know how many weeks of home hosting they are willing to provide
FFI assigns a club to you, based on who wants to visit your area
clubs can request reciprocal exchanges, which means you ask that a club you visited be scheduled to visit you. They must also then request your club
clubs let FFI know their preferred countries to visit, knowing they may not get their first or even their second choice
FFI takes all these requests and puts together the list of journeys for the coming year
clubs are informed of their matches. If they have been given a journey which was not on their preferred list, they have the option to decline, but may not get another journey assigned
a host coordinator and an ambassador coordinator are assigned by the respective clubs; they start communicating to determine dates for travel and the number of ambassadors the host club can accommodate
host club forms a committee that plans the sightseeing, outings and entertainment for the week.
the host committee assigns a member to gather information on the ambassadors, find home hosts and match them with regard to age, interests, etc. Occasionally, some may know each other from a previous journey and request their "friend"
Journeys are most enjoyable and successful when both clubs work effectively together